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Seethal Attorneys

Experienced Excellence Efficient 

Gregory Larry Seethal commenced practice as an Attorney in 1983 in partnership with Carl Grobler as Grobler and Seethal from 1984 until 2003. He then commenced practice for his own account and is a registered member of the Legal Council.


Seethal attorneys has a deep tradition of Excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We are the local preferred choice, with a proven success record.


Dependable, focused, and well spoken, our team of legal professionals add the personal touch our clients deserve whilst approaching each new case with utmost commitment and integrity required.

About: About

Accolades by Gregory Larry Seethal

Attorney of the High Court South Africa

Commissioner of Small Claims Court

Appointed as Justice of Peace

 Acting Judge of South Africa (KZN NDP)

Chairperson of the National Democratic Lawyers Association (Nadel)
South Coast 

Liquidator on the panel of liquidators for the Master of the Supreme

Chairperson of
Valuations and Disciplinary Appeals Board for the Hibiscus Coast

Deputy Chairperson of P.P.F. South Coast Regional Branch
(Professional Progressive Forum)

Chairperson of the Municipal Bids Appeal Tribunal

Past President of the Port Shepstone Rotary Club

Received the Paul Harris award from Rotary International

Counting Officer in the first Provincial & National Democratic Election of South Africa for the Ugu District 1994

About: List
About: Team Members

Team Seethal

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford

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